Susan • VP, Director of Marketing


The Spotlight marketing team’s role is comprehensive in nature, with our team becoming an extension of the clients we represent, in order to ensure an optimal experience from the moment consumers are exposed to their brands. Sue (as her friends call her) is the head of the Spotlight marketing department, with a core expertise in brand development and brand strategy.

A brand is what people think and feel about you and Sue’s talent is in defining what is special about you and your business, and then communicating that uniqueness effectively to your target audience. Her skills include industry research, focus group testing, copywriting, creative directing, strategic planning and more. Sue also oversees the social media and reputation management departments to ensure that our clients’ messaging is on brand throughout all platforms.

Not only is Sue highly accessible to her clients, but she’s always willing to help out a four-legged friend in need. She volunteers for Jack Russell Rescue, California dog rescue and has two beloved Jack Russells of her own.